GoldDot GSS Skeleton Template
This template is a PGT file that can be placed in the GOLD Builder Templates directory and used with Build a Skeleton Program.
##TEMPLATE-NAME 'GoldDot GSS Skeleton' ##LANGUAGE 'GSS' ##ENGINE-NAME 'None' ##AUTHOR 'Max Battcher' ##FILE-EXTENSION 'gss' ##NOTES This template creates a skeleton for rule and symbol styling in GoldDot. ##END-NOTES ##ID-CASE Uppercase ##ID-SEPARATOR '_' ##ID-SYMBOL-PREFIX 'Symbol' ##ID-RULE-PREFIX 'Rule' /* This is a GSS Skeleton. It will not parse as is. Blocks without contents need to be commented out or removed. */ Symbols { ##SYMBOLS // %Description% Symbol%Value% { // TODO: Style } ##END-SYMBOLS } Rules { ##RULES // %Description% Rule%Value% { // TODO: Style } ##END-RULES }