GoldDot Samples

ParseTree Sample

GoldDot gss.cgt -parsetree pt.gss < pt.gss >
WorldMaker.Util.GoldDot {
  #ParseTree {
    TrimReductions = true;
    TrimNodes = true;

Rules {
  #Rule0 {
    color = "\"red\"";
// Generated by GoldDot.ParseTree by Max Battcher
// Language Grammar: Generic Style Sheet [v0.1]
digraph "Generic Style Sheet ParseTree" {
        "<Rules> ::= <Rule> <Rules> " [
                color = "\"red\""
                label = "<Rules> ::= <Rule> <Rules> "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " [
                label = "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "WorldMaker" [
                label = "WorldMaker"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "WorldMaker"
        "." [
                label = "."
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "."
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "Util" [
                label = "Util"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "Util"
        "." [
                label = "."
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "."
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "GoldDot" [
                label = "GoldDot"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " -> "GoldDot"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier "
        "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> "
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier . <Object> "
        "{" [
                label = "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " [
                label = "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= # Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "#" [
                label = "#"
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " -> "#"
        "ParseTree" [
                label = "ParseTree"
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " -> "ParseTree"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Object> ::= # Identifier "
        "{" [
                label = "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "{"
        "<Properties> ::= <Property> <Properties> " [
                label = "<Properties> ::= <Property> <Properties> "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " [
                label = "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "TrimReductions" [
                label = "TrimReductions"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "TrimReductions"
        "=" [
                label = "="
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "="
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "true" [
                label = "true"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " -> "true"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier "
        ";" [
                label = ";"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> ";"
        "<Properties> ::= <Property> <Properties> " -> "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " [
                label = "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "TrimNodes" [
                label = "TrimNodes"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "TrimNodes"
        "=" [
                label = "="
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "="
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "true" [
                label = "true"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " -> "true"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier "
        ";" [
                label = ";"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> ";"
        "<Properties> ::= <Property> <Properties> " -> "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Properties> ::= <Property> <Properties> "
        "}" [
                label = "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
        "}" [
                label = "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "}"
        "<Rules> ::= <Rule> <Rules> " -> "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " [
                label = "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "Rules" [
                label = "Rules"
        "<Object> ::= Identifier " -> "Rules"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Object> ::= Identifier "
        "{" [
                label = "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " [
                label = "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " [
                label = "<Object> ::= # Identifier "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "#" [
                label = "#"
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " -> "#"
        "Rule0" [
                label = "Rule0"
        "<Object> ::= # Identifier " -> "Rule0"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Object> ::= # Identifier "
        "{" [
                label = "{"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "{"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " [
                label = "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "color" [
                label = "color"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "color"
        "=" [
                label = "="
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "="
        "<Value> ::= StringLiteral " [
                label = "<Value> ::= StringLiteral "
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        "\"\\\"red\\\"\"" [
                label = "\"\\\"red\\\"\""
        "<Value> ::= StringLiteral " -> "\"\\\"red\\\"\""
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> "<Value> ::= StringLiteral "
        ";" [
                label = ";"
        "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; " -> ";"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Property> ::= Identifier = <Valuelist> ; "
        "}" [
                label = "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
        "}" [
                label = "}"
        "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } " -> "}"
        "<Rules> ::= <Rule> <Rules> " -> "<Rule> ::= <Object> { <Properties> } "
// Generated: 1/3/2004 00:17:42
dot -Tpng -ogsstest.png

DfaGraph Example

// GSS file for DFA Test
DfaGraph {
  Accepts {
    label = "";
    color = "\"red\"";

  Edges {
    color = "\"blue\"";
    label = "";
// Generated by GoldDot.DfaGraph by Max Battcher
// Language Grammar: Generic Style Sheet [v0.1]
digraph "Generic Style Sheet DfaGraph" {
        state0 [
                label = "0"
                color = "red"
        state0 -> state1 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state1 [
                label = "1"
        state1 -> state1 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        symbol0 [
                label = "(Whitespace)"
        state1 -> symbol0 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state2 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state2 [
                label = "2"
        state2 -> state3 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state3 [
                label = "3"
        state3 -> state3 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state3 -> state4 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state4 [
                label = "4"
        symbol1 [
                label = "StringLiteral"
        state4 -> symbol1 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state3 -> state5 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state5 [
                label = "5"
        state5 -> state6 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state6 [
                label = "6"
        state6 -> state3 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state6 -> state4 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state6 -> state5 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state2 -> state4 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state2 -> state5 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state0 -> state7 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state7 [
                label = "7"
        symbol2 [
                label = "#"
        state7 -> symbol2 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state8 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state8 [
                label = "8"
        symbol3 [
                label = "("
        state8 -> symbol3 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state9 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state9 [
                label = "9"
        symbol4 [
                label = ")"
        state9 -> symbol4 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state10 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state10 [
                label = "10"
        state10 -> state11 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state11 [
                label = "11"
        symbol5 [
                label = "(Comment End)"
        state11 -> symbol5 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state12 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state12 [
                label = "12"
        symbol6 [
                label = ","
        state12 -> symbol6 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state13 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state13 [
                label = "13"
        symbol7 [
                label = "."
        state13 -> symbol7 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state14 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state14 [
                label = "14"
        state14 -> state15 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state15 [
                label = "15"
        symbol8 [
                label = "(Comment Start)"
        state15 -> symbol8 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state14 -> state16 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state16 [
                label = "16"
        symbol9 [
                label = "(Comment Line)"
        state16 -> symbol9 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state17 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state17 [
                label = "17"
        state17 -> state18 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state18 [
                label = "18"
        state18 -> state19 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state19 [
                label = "19"
        state19 -> state19 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        symbol10 [
                label = "FloatLiteral"
        state19 -> symbol10 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state17 -> state17 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        symbol11 [
                label = "IntegerLiteral"
        state17 -> symbol11 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state20 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state20 [
                label = "20"
        symbol12 [
                label = ";"
        state20 -> symbol12 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state21 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state21 [
                label = "21"
        symbol13 [
                label = "="
        state21 -> symbol13 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state22 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state22 [
                label = "22"
        state22 -> state23 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state23 [
                label = "23"
        state23 -> state23 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        symbol14 [
                label = "Identifier"
        state23 -> symbol14 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        symbol15 [
                label = "Identifier"
        state22 -> symbol15 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state24 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state24 [
                label = "24"
        symbol16 [
                label = "{"
        state24 -> symbol16 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
        state0 -> state25 [
                color = "\"blue\""
                label = ""
        state25 [
                label = "25"
        symbol17 [
                label = "}"
        state25 -> symbol17 [
                label = ""
                color = "\"red\""
// Generated: 1/3/2004 03:12:52
dot -Tpng -odfatest.png
neato -Tpng -odfatest2.png

LalrGraph Sample

LALR graphs get large fairly quickly, and while GoldDot doesn't seem to have much trouble with it, DOT can.

WorldMaker.Util.GoldDot.LalrGraph {
  ShortRuleLabels = true;
  TrimRules = true;

LalrGraph {
  Gotos {
    label = "\"\"";
    color = "\"black\"";

  Reduces {
    label = "\"\"";  
    color = "\"magenta\"";

  Shifts {
    label = "\"\"";  
    color = "\"blue\"";

  Accept {
    label = "\"\"";  
    color = "\"green\"";
// Generated by GoldDot.LalrGraph by Max Battcher
// Language Grammar: Generic Style Sheet [v0.1]
digraph "Generic Style Sheet LalrGraph" {
        graph [
                nodesep = 100
        state0 [
                label = "0"
                color = "red"
        state0 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state1 [
                label = "1"
        state1 -> state2 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state2 [
                label = "2"
        state2 -> rule18 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule18 [
                label = "18"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state2 -> rule18 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule18 [
                label = "18"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state2 -> rule18 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule18 [
                label = "18"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state2 -> rule18 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule18 [
                label = "18"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state2 -> rule18 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule18 [
                label = "18"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state0 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state3 [
                label = "3"
        state3 -> state4 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state4 [
                label = "4"
        state4 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state4 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state4 -> state5 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state5 [
                label = "5"
        state5 -> rule16 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule16 [
                label = "16"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state5 -> rule16 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule16 [
                label = "16"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state5 -> rule16 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule16 [
                label = "16"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state5 -> rule16 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule16 [
                label = "16"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state5 -> rule16 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule16 [
                label = "16"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state3 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state3 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state3 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state3 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state3 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state0 -> state6 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state6 [
                label = "6"
        state6 -> state7 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state7 [
                label = "7"
        state7 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state7 -> state8 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state8 [
                label = "8"
        state8 -> state4 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state8 -> state9 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state9 [
                label = "9"
        state9 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state9 -> state10 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state10 [
                label = "10"
        state10 -> rule13 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule13 [
                label = "13"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state10 -> rule13 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule13 [
                label = "13"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state10 -> rule13 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule13 [
                label = "13"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state9 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state9 -> state11 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state11 [
                label = "11"
        state11 -> rule12 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule12 [
                label = "12"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state11 -> rule12 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule12 [
                label = "12"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state11 -> rule12 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule12 [
                label = "12"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state9 -> state12 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state12 [
                label = "12"
        state12 -> rule11 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule11 [
                label = "11"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state12 -> rule11 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule11 [
                label = "11"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state12 -> rule11 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule11 [
                label = "11"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state9 -> state13 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state13 [
                label = "13"
        state13 -> state14 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 [
                label = "14"
        state14 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 -> state15 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state15 [
                label = "15"
        state15 -> rule15 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule15 [
                label = "15"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state15 -> rule15 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule15 [
                label = "15"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state15 -> rule15 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule15 [
                label = "15"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state14 -> state10 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 -> state11 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 -> state12 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state14 -> state13 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state14 -> state16 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state16 [
                label = "16"
        state16 -> state17 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 [
                label = "17"
        state17 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 -> state10 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 -> state11 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 -> state12 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state17 -> state13 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state17 -> state16 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state17 -> state18 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state18 [
                label = "18"
        state18 -> rule8 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule8 [
                label = "8"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state18 -> rule8 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule8 [
                label = "8"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state16 -> rule9 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule9 [
                label = "9"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state16 -> rule9 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule9 [
                label = "9"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state14 -> state19 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state19 [
                label = "19"
        state19 -> state20 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state20 [
                label = "20"
        state20 -> rule14 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule14 [
                label = "14"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state20 -> rule14 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule14 [
                label = "14"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state20 -> rule14 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule14 [
                label = "14"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state13 -> rule10 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule10 [
                label = "10"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state13 -> rule10 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule10 [
                label = "10"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state13 -> rule10 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule10 [
                label = "10"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state9 -> state16 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state9 -> state21 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state21 [
                label = "21"
        state21 -> state22 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state22 [
                label = "22"
        state22 -> rule7 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule7 [
                label = "7"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state22 -> rule7 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule7 [
                label = "7"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state22 -> rule7 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule7 [
                label = "7"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state8 -> rule17 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule17 [
                label = "17"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state7 -> state6 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state7 -> state23 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state23 [
                label = "23"
        state23 -> state24 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state24 [
                label = "24"
        state24 -> rule2 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule2 [
                label = "2"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state24 -> rule2 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule2 [
                label = "2"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state24 -> rule2 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule2 [
                label = "2"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state24 -> rule2 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule2 [
                label = "2"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state7 -> state25 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state25 [
                label = "25"
        state25 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state25 -> state8 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state25 -> state6 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state25 -> state26 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state26 [
                label = "26"
        state26 -> rule3 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule3 [
                label = "3"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state25 -> state25 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state25 -> state27 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state27 [
                label = "27"
        state27 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state27 -> state8 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state27 -> state6 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state27 -> state28 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state28 [
                label = "28"
        state28 -> rule5 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule5 [
                label = "5"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state27 -> state25 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state27 -> state27 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state27 -> rule6 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule6 [
                label = "6"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state25 -> rule4 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule4 [
                label = "4"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state7 -> state27 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state0 -> state29 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state29 [
                label = "29"
        state29 -> state1 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state29 -> state3 [
                label = ""
                color = "blue"
        state29 -> state6 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state29 -> state29 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state29 -> state30 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state30 [
                label = "30"
        state30 -> rule0 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule0 [
                label = "0"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state29 -> rule1 [
                label = ""
                color = "magenta"
        rule1 [
                label = "1"
                shape = polygon
                sides = 4
        state0 -> state31 [
                label = ""
                color = "black"
        state31 [
                label = "31"
        state31 -> accept [
                label = ""
                color = "green"
        accept [
                label = ""
                color = "green"
// Generated: 1/4/2004 04:00:11
dot -Tpng -olalrtest.png

Copyright 2004 Max Battcher. Pages and documentation licensed under the Creative Commons License. Source code is licensed under the BSD license.